1. All of your information in one place
MYOB Exo Business is an integrated range of business applications. It allows you to enter information once, e.g. customer details, and then makes that information available to any other MYOB Exo Business product and even to other desktop applications e.g. Microsoft¨ Word, Excel and Outlook. MYOB Exo Business becomes the hub of your business solution, allowing you to use all of your applications with a common set of data This allows the system to support multiple customer contact points, e.g. in-store, telesales, web, field rep and your accounts team.
2. Flexible & powerful reporting
MYOB Exo Business comes complete with over 60 standard reports allowing you to quickly retrieve information on customers, suppliers, inventory and finance. Even more exciting is your ability to generate completely customised reports giving you information that helps you manage your unique set of business issues.
3. A system that will grow with your business
MYOB Exo Business is a true multi-user system built on the most robust, industry standard technologies available. This system uses a Microsoft’s SQL Server Database platform. The system provides integrity of data and performance that outstrip many of our competitor’s products. No more one-sided or incomplete transactions. MYOB Exo Business can run as a single user application and can scale to support hundreds of concurrent users.
4. Customised security
MYOB Exo Business security system allows for a unique login for each user. Separate menus can be created per user or per user group allowing your systems administrator to customise access to the system. In addition to keeping the system secure, customised menus also assist new users in getting to know the system as they only see menu items that are relevant to their specific role.
5. Robust accounting processes
MYOB Exo Business won’t let you post one-sided journals or delete transactions once they have been posted to the general ledger. This makes sub-ledger reconciliation a breeze and as all transactions are transparent to the user, provides easily traceable audit trails for your accountants.
6. Work from anywhere
MYOB Exo Business has been developed with the Internet in mind, making it easy for you to manage a remote branch, work from home or provide a mobile sales team access to the system from the field. Built using 3-tier architecture, MYOB Exo Business software is broken up into three separate layers, allowing it to run extremely efficiently over the Internet, even with dial up technology.
7. A secure, future proof investment
With MYOB EXO you are not just buying a software package, you are also optimising your business for the future with a complete business management system. This comes with the peace of mind that the solution you are putting in place will be scalable and flexible enough for your ever-changing business environment. Rest assured that MYOB EXO Finance has been developed, and is continually developing, with these capabilities in mind. Not only is the application constantly improving but the architecture is built on industry standard SQL database platforms which enables us to leverage the latest technologies and offer them to you.
A key to any solution purchase is the upgrade path and solution longevity and with well over 1500 businesses using MYOB EXO Business as their financial and business management solution you can be confident that the team at MYOB EXO Business are developing for now and for the future.
With MYOB, you can rest assured you are investing in a company dedicated to delivering business software for New Zealand’s small to medium businesses.
8. Designed for your business
Robust but Flexible Database – By utilising Microsoft SQL, MYOB Exo offers a robust but flexible platform to integrate and centralise your data from several sources – together with customisation for specific applications.
Multi Company – EXO Finance’s powerful database can easily expand to handle multiple companies and reporting structures.
Multiple Locations – set up your business with real time networked integration across multiple locations across the globe.


MYOB provides greater efficiency to aid dramatic rise of unique brewery

More visibility has resulted in increased confidence.

Automatic Systems Revolutionised
Do you have a new project in mind?
Why not get in touch, we’re always keen to catch up for a chat to see how our solutions can fit with your business.s

Acclaim Group
Contact Details
Unit 4, 6-8 Omega Street
Albany, Auckland
Phone: +64 9 415 0984
Email: sales@acclaimgroup.co.nz